Friday, April 23, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Home Raided By Police

Real Name | Lindsay Dee Lohan      Birthday | July 2, 1986      Birthplace | New York City, United States

Lindsay Lohan’s home in LA was stormed by police yesterday, at the request of her father.  
Michael Lohan allegedly took three police officers to the Mean Girls star's house, as he wanted to check on the welfare of his younger daughter Ali, who was staying with Lindsay at the time.
He said that he feared for Ali’s safety after seeing the sisters driving together:
Michael said the two sisters: "were in a car driving back from Palm Springs at 115 miles an hour" which led him to call the police.
Lindsay was reportedly co-operative with the officers, and once they had spoken to Ali, who is 16, she was allowed to remain with Lindsay.
However LiLo was clearly very upset by the encounter and later went on Twitter to vent her emotions.
She tweeted: “I have no choice but to make this public, due to my sister's safety, as well as my own, "my ex-dad" just WALKED INTO MY APT like the devil's advocate with officers."
The actress then added: "When will it ever end... it's been going on my whole life with him - hasn't he caused enough pain? Thank g-d for my mommy... w/out her, i wouldn't even know myself”

Lindsay’s mother Dina has also publically spoken out against Michael. She said:“I'm in shock right now. I can't really speak. I'm petrified for my girls and their safety.”
LiLo and her father have had a widely documented tumultuous relationship, and Michael has recently publicly claimed that his daughter ‘needs help.'
He is now reportedly seeking advice from the LA County Department of Children and Family Services.
As for Lindsay, this is her second Twitter rant in so many days after recently accusing ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson of 'spitting in her face' at a Coachella after-party.

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